Granola Syndrome.
GDD (Granola Delusional Disorder)
I don't know what I have, but apparently it's contagious.
I was blending smoothies when my husband came home with the following:
- apples (okay, that's normal... but read on)
- strawberries (lucky me!)
- pineapple (yummo... but read on, it get's weirder)
- dried mango (ya feel me?)
- vegan, low sodium, no transfat trail mix with dried fruit (yah.)
- two tire tubes for his bike (which he will be riding to work from now on)
And then he said the following:
"Oh! I forgot the Yogurt!"
We're finally taking a turn for the healthier. My husband recently found out he has really, really, rediculously high blood pressure. He's fit as a fiddle... "has the body of a god" as they say. (I do too... Bhudda.) We've decided to quit complaining and do something about it.
I've been working out 5 days a week, controlling my refined sugar intake... and he's been controlling his sodium intake. I've lost a few pounds... and he's dropped a few points.
So, these granolas might be on to something.
Just hope their fashion-sense isn't contagious too.
2 comments: there something "wrong" with granolas? huhuhuh
If you want to fit in the fasion sense, two things: Crocs (Birkenstocks might be OK) and Tie Dye, my friend. Tye Die.
I feel you sister! I live near Boulder, remember? lol
We ditched our microwave - haven't missed it. I buy organic when I can afford it, which isn't often. I am addicted to Farmer's Markets, Vitamin Cottage, Whole Foods, and all of those other "granola" stores. However, I still shave my legs and armpits, I wear real leather without guilt (poor cows), and I don't own any tye dye clothing.
Find a balance friend! :) lol
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